I always enjoy shooting for Rofe Designs, and my family loves their sustainable shirts, tanks and sweatshirts.

Model: Priya
I always enjoy shooting for Rofe Designs, and my family loves their sustainable shirts, tanks and sweatshirts.
Model: Priya
An iPhone photograph of Eaton Hall during the early morning fog in January.
Used for a Halloween Facebook post, this image picked up hundreds of likes and dozens of shares. I took it using my iPhone during a morning walk to my office.
I took this unstaged photograph during a day of service at the university's research forest. The image is prominently featured online and in print publications.
I've shot a lot recently via my iPhone. It's a fantastic little camera, and I particularly like the way it handles direct sun.
I work at a beautiful place, and this scene greeted me as I walked to my office.
The Oregon Capitol from Waller Hall
A quick iPhone snap of my wife and best friend at lunch. Not a technically perfect picture, but that's not the point of this shot.
I think I used Camera+ for this one. I like that app for its ability to split focus point and exposure metering. The downside is that you've got to manually export to your photo folder. That's nice in a way, because I tend to sort photos when choosing which to edit. I have less repetition in my folder and can quickly select a photo I'm looking for later.
Love this!
Willamette's Mill Stream as the sun rose
The iPhone is revolutionary, particularly for photography. While it's no DSLR, it is capable of capturing high quality images. I rarely lug my camera gear around, so my phone is my camera. This was a snapshot taken last week on a morning walk at Willamette.
With the light waning on a hillside facing away from the setting sun, I approached this from a photojournalist perspective and just followed Arthur as he cruised around the orchard. What a photogenic guy!
I enjoyed meeting and photographing Karen Steele, a criminal defense attorney who handles death penalty appeals. Her work made for interesting conversation, and I had an opportunity to try out The Nest in downtown Salem.
I'm part of a creative team, and we spent an hour this morning exploring. Using a camera and one lens, I went looking for colors and textures that are authentic to the place where I work.
After a long day at work and after my final presentation in my next-to-last MBA term, I'm too beat to stay up and hope for a cloud break that lets me photograph the blood moon. I turned up the color quite a bit but otherwise didn't even crop the shot (it was late!). Maybe I'll go back and take another pass later this week.
I hope to take advantage of one of the three upcoming appearances:
When printing new photos for my walls at home, I chose this shot of Liz for our living room.
We had fun with some light sabers during the same trip to the beach.
I've only edited a few images with Portrait Pro 12, so I'm sure there's a lot more to learn. My first impression—interesting and slightly disturbing at its extremes.
I think I've learned enough editing a few photos to get a general sense of what this app does well. I'm not sure yet if the relatively minor issues are mine or whether the app has a few tricks that I still need to learn.
Other than some confusion about the version I was purchasing (which was clunky and cost me an extra few bucks), the app has been stable. I haven't yet used the plug-ins for Lightroom and Photoshop.
Like Photoshop, this app can create atrocious results, but Portrait Pro's sliders give you a lot of control. Someone with decent Photoshop chops will recognize what Portrait Pro does after experimenting with a few images. This is a good thing. It's easy to tone down the effects, which can be dramatic.
This shot of my daughter looked nice, but my daughter and her friends felt like it didn't look like her.
Portrait Pro 12
The results can seem clownish at the default settings. I took this really mundane shot of my wife in the yard to see what it would do with a snapshot. The final shot looks heavy-handed when compared to the original (though most post-processing can seem that way when compared directly with the initial capture).
Original snapshot
Portrait Pro 12
Portrait Pro doesn't do anything that you can't do without it, but it expedites a lot of the typical adjustments you'll make to most people photos. It does a great job on skin, provided you fiddle with the settings appropriately. I can see using this for the first pass at least, and, like many Photoshop actions or Lightroom presets, experimentation in Portrait Pro might spark an idea or might highlight an aspect of the image that could benefit from more attention.
I've found some odd color artifacts when making many of the facial modeling and hair coloring adjustments, though these become noticeable only when trying to make fairly drastic changes. The uneven hair adjustment artifacts are evident in the hair below; I could have corrected this easily in the app or in Photoshop, and I probably will go back and make some additional changes later. Even with the most significant artifacts, I found that the "modeled" face offered some interesting potential when saved as a separate image and overlaid manually in Photoshop.
From my brief time using the app, it seems like images shot straight on will work best. I struggled with facial geometry in a shot where the model's head was tipped toward the camera, for example. I don't see Portrait Pro replacing Photoshop for regular image adjustments, but I can see using it all of the time for skin, eyes and teeth.
Here's an image that I thought might particularly benefit from Portrait Pro. I've included the "original," which I made black and white in part to avoid some of the color issues in the capture. I don't like the amount of contrast I used initially, so I've toned that down when re-editing.
As shot
Portrait Pro, converted in Photoshop
No doubt that these quick experiments don't represent what can be done with Portrait Pro 12, and I look forward to trying it out on a few other shots over the weekend.
In the spirit of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, here's another interesting video that shows the dramatic effect of post-processing, underscoring the disconnect between natural beauty and the constructed image.
While I manipulate tones, color and contrast, the extent of photo manipulation beyond that is to remove blemishes and stray hairs. It's much easier to make adjustments to lighting or to shoot from a different angle than to spend a lot of time in post-production; I enjoy shooting more than editing, so I focus on time with the person I'm photographing instead of Photoshop.
What a fantastic concept.
I took this while shooting portraits for a Portland private investigator, whose office is in a fantastic old building with a wood and metal shop.
Shot near Ashland, this was taken with an old 30D, converted to shoot infrared.